Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lost Clips

Lost Clips from a time long ago. from Anthony Rasca on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Silverado Sesh.

Dropping Bars

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Saturday, December 11 · 11:00am - 10:00pm

Location~@gNar PARK
3017 Fidler
Long Beach, CA

Created By

More InfoGUESS WAT??? WWW.FIXEDLOVE.COM presents ~@gNar-B-Q is BACK!!!!

n tHis tiMe it is 4 a GREAT CAUSE!!!

Our gOod friend ~@Rocco Pedreira frOm ~@Fast Pace Fixed Gear Zine's dOg "PEEWEE" NEEDS surgery.

We will be doing a COMP at ~@gNar park $10 DONATION 2 enter.


More info coming soon.... supports SAVE THE PUPS!!! please come out and sHow ur support.

PRIZES FROM: Oakley, Burro, LDG, Thomas Bike Shop, Oh My Dog Supplies and MORE coming tHis week!!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tony K. Repp'n SAVAGE

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stolen Thrasher Be on the lookout

The homie Jeremy, got his bike stolen today at Houghton Skate park, everyone be on the lookout for it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Vandal Complete

Ok, there is going to be alot of bickering over this bike, is it a fgfs or a dj. I think that the bike looks pretty good but, i would go for a longer seat tube just for the traditional fgfs look. Also i would totally need to ride it before buying it. Over on The Moshpit that Tom Mosher will be getting one, so Steven Jensen and Congo should get one as well, and their feedback would help alot. more to come

New SAVAGE Products

Go ahead and pick up a Tank top, T-Shirt, or a Hoodie, email us.

Volume Bars V2

Ok Volume has been showcasing a lot of new parts since the site, and the new Tricksters and Hipsters are looking really solid, especially with people running longer bars now, Cant wait for them to drop check them out at Volume.

Volume 26' Frame

Cant wait to see Congo or Jensen on one built up...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Demo D Fat and Resist seats

ok, everyone who rides with a pivotal seat knows that when riding hard, or for a long period of time, your ass starts to bleed, so Demolition and Resist has released their new cushed seats...ive seen the Resist one first hand at Citygrounds and it feels comfortable.